Thank you for participating in the YearOfVRArt challenge! Send some feedback about your experience of the challenge using the button below.
Congratulations if you earned an award this year!
Awards will be sent out in January along with an invite to the Trophy Lounge VRChat world to celebrate.
Is there another vr art app that you want to learn and need encouragement to learn it or just want to show your awesome art off to the community? Then sign up and get monthly submission reminders, share links to your posted art, see your custom tally, and maximize your submissions to earn awards with an interactive tally report.
There are options to customize your yearly challenge. If you want to go all in then sign up for the Daily participation level! If you need a slower pace for creating your art or would like more time to put into your submissions then sign up for the Weekly or Monthly participation level. If you want to participate without any deadlines then sign up for the Casual participation level. Switch between these throughout the year as needed. (To earn an award make sure to stick with one participation level throughout the year or complete a minimum of 50% in a participation level.)
Signup form and all the YearOfVRArt challenge details are on the webpage linked below.